Court of Accounts (Spain)

In Spain, the Tribunal de Cuentas (Court of Accounts) is the supreme financial accounts body, and is also responsible for both the state and the public sector's economy management, without detriment to its own jurisdiction, in accordance with the Constitution and its Organic Law.

The equivalent of the Court of Accounts in Latin America is the General Controller's Department of the Republic.



The Court of Accounts has the following functions:

In 1974 the Court hosted VIII INCOSAI, the eighth triennial convention of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions.[1]


The decisions of the Court of Accounts, made in a way determined by their Operating Law, are subject to appeal and revision before the Supreme Court.

The current President (Presidente del Tribunal de Cuentas) is MANUEL NÚÑEZ PÉREZ (Real Decreto 1539/2007, de 23 de noviembre -BOE 26.11.07)

External links Official Site of the Court of Accounts (in Spanish)


  1. ^ INTOSAI: 50 Years (1953-2003), Vienna: International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions, 2004, p. 54